Saturday Gratitude #8


Time for another Saturday Gratitude post! I haven’t even gotten into my list yet and I’m already thinking about how grateful I am for these posts themselves. They always help me get present and notice what’s already here, when it is so easy for me to get lost in wanting.

So here’s what I’m grateful for today:

1) On Sunday, I celebrated Easter with my boyfriend’s family.

My own family is spread out across the country and we haven’t celebrated Easter together in ages. And … well, getting me to socialize, especially around a holiday, is not always the easiest task. But I had this sense that I needed to get away for a while, and my boyfriend’s grandma had a vintage-looking tablecloth printed with rabbits, and rabbit napkins, and there were Easter eggs with our names on them! (All of this reminded me so much of my own grandmas, whom I miss dearly.)

And it was just fun. And sometimes, when I get into a really driven, must-get-things-done sort of place, the last thing that occurs to me is to stop and have some fun. (And the introvert in me sometimes forgets that being with others can be, um, fun, and exactly what I need to get out of my own tunnel vision.)

2) I remembered to ask for help.

And when I asked, I got what I needed. Which was wonderful. And it reminded me that, even if I ask and I do not get what I’m asking for (which certainly happens, sometimes more often than not), the act of asking in and of itself reconnects me with possibility, as well as my own power.

When I forget to ask for help (which I often do — I’m amazed at the number of times a friend has said to me, you needed help with that? Why didn’t you ask me?), I also forget that there is lots of support out there. And that, much of the time, people like to be asked. (The person I asked for help told me that it made her feel good to respond to my request.)

3) A quiet moment yesterday where I sat at my dining room table with my cat on my lap and just listened to the bird songs coming in through the slightly-open window. (Watching my cat chatter at birds that come dangerously close to the screens has been fun, too. I swear the birds, especially the sparrows, know they are teasing my cat.)

What about you — what are you grateful for this week? I’d love to hear from you.

Image is “Tramp Sparrow” © Olgalis | Dreamstime Stock Photos

10 thoughts on “Saturday Gratitude #8

  1. Wonderful post, Jill. I love your Saturday gratitude blogs. They DO remind me to slow down and be present. Even as I write this in late afternoon, I’m noticing how the change of light outside is turning everything inside into the hazy peach color. I wouldn’t have noticed this if I hadn’t sat down for a few minutes to enjoy your words. And I love hearing about your Easter, too. Yes, even we introverts can have fun with people.


    • Mary, I love your description of the changing light. Thanks so much for reading and for sharing — I’m glad these posts remind you to slow down and be in the moment. 🙂


  2. I am grateful for the quiet isolation of my bedroom, where I can write.
    I am grateful for my Writer’s Circle group, which keeps me going.
    am grateful for the sweetness of air coming into my lungs.


  3. I love reading these posts Jill, a lovely list, which reminds me that one thing I’m grateful is the friend I asked for help form yesterday who replied within the hour with exactly the help I’d asked and so enthusiastically saying how much she enjoyed supporting me, and how grateful she was that I’d asked! I’m also grateful for a calm quiet house to live in where I’m not expected or asked to socialise when I don’t want, and can stay in my ave/room as much as I want! I’m soooooo grateful for the invitation to visit and work in Myanamar/.Burma…assuming it all works out, fingers crossed! Have a great week:-) Hugs, Harula xxx


    • A terrific list, Harula! Isn’t it interesting how people are grateful to be asked for help? I love the sound of your quiet house, and also your great work opportunity! How exciting! Hope to hear more about it. Thanks for sharing. You have a great week, too! 🙂


  4. It’s so easy for me to take for granted the fact all my family are near (despite my sister’s family living in Germany for three years! But they’re back now) – so thanks for reminding me of that. I spent a quiet Easter with my parents at their beach house, which was lovely and relaxing.


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